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(shaquille o'neal LIFE.)

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Shu Yi (Younger Sister)
Kah Wai (Younger Brother)

Monday, October 26, 2020: Ingnoring

No, i didnt want to ingore you.

But isnt this what you wanted. When u start to go slient

Scare of your surrounding. Scare of people noticing.

Why do you still tell people that i ingore you.

Anw, i know how u feel. I know you. And i know u remember what i have told you before. The things i have said really did happen..

I will show you! I will be different. I have more widsome, knowlegde, I will keep my goal, my dreams burning. I will do my best, look for chances to upgrade myself, try my hardest in life and one day i will appear before your eyes!!!! And i will walk away!!!!

Ok thx bye.

2:19 AM

Monday, October 19, 2020: Different path is like different world

You said before we are from two different world.

The path we chose are different. However we still live in the same world. Maybe that how is you relate to it. (Different goal)

I choose to excel in life. Yet, You choose to lead a simple life. Frankly speaking isnt it the same thing!

You want a simple and happy life. And what makes u happy? Isnt spend time with your love ones makes u happy?

Isnt it the same as spend more time with family?

So to have more time is to earn more money and think of way to excal to get yourself to fianace freedom? That's buying freedom

Work hard, Excel, good income, more saving, more investment = dividends = finance freedom = freedom = lead a simple life, more time for family, more oversea trip with family. isnt this what u wanted too? 

Dont think of me like i want a luxury lifestyle. Im different

P.s: wanting to Earning more money doesnt mean im looking for a luxury lifestyle to be happy. Cmon 

Yeah, now i agreed that you and i are from different world. Not suitable for each other

3:05 AM

Sunday, October 11, 2020: Dont know how u feel

 Yeah. Idk how you feel.

But i believe there are people who love and miss someone as much as you, or as much as you. 

Be clever abit can. Be strong and let go for once.

I mean by letting go, really delete those pics in order to start anew

12:07 AM