


Out of order. use the link below to communicate. thanks Clyde's CBox


Martial Arts Blog
Evolve MMA
Fight Generation

MMA Website
Art Of War
Fight Magazine
MMA Weekly
MMA World Wide
Insider MMA
MMA Scraps

Martial Arts Gyms Website
Bxg Fitness(KickBoxing & Muaythai)
Evolve MMA(MMA,BJJ,Muaythai,Boxing & Etc)
MMA In Sg (Info of Fight CLubs in SG)
Fightworksasia(All Martial Arts in SG)
Fight Generation(*Weapons Arts & Capoeira)
The 6 Level(Royce Gracie is one of the Instuctor)
Wand Fight Team(Wanderlei Sliva Fight Team Gym)
Fight Singapore (Singapore turning to a fight city)
SG PRO (Check out For Tournaments in SG. INFO)

Thailand Matial Arts Website
(Sinbi Muaythai)
("TMT" Tiger Muaythai)

shaquille o'neal (NBA STAR)
(shaquille o'neal LIFE.)

(Official "TapouT" Website)

Adrian (B4L)
Mark (B4L)

Yu Ping
Bee Cheng

Lianfoo (Singsin)

Shu Yi (Younger Sister)
Kah Wai (Younger Brother)

Tuesday, January 29, 2019: Love urself what ever happens

Wad happen with or without reason.
Dont lose yourself anymore.
Love yourself, there's many more bright path ahead of you.

Train well
Eat well
Sleep well
Play well

Enjoy your life
Dont get hurt by words by the ppl who change their words depends on their mood.

But dont ever gave up on them. Since they can change your feelings. Meaning they are the special ones. The one you really care for.

9:56 AM

Wednesday, January 23, 2019: Backfire

It is hard being a good guy.
Is that why in life there is good and bad.
I choose to end the communication.

10:56 PM