


Out of order. use the link below to communicate. thanks Clyde's CBox


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Fight Generation

MMA Website
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Martial Arts Gyms Website
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Evolve MMA(MMA,BJJ,Muaythai,Boxing & Etc)
MMA In Sg (Info of Fight CLubs in SG)
Fightworksasia(All Martial Arts in SG)
Fight Generation(*Weapons Arts & Capoeira)
The 6 Level(Royce Gracie is one of the Instuctor)
Wand Fight Team(Wanderlei Sliva Fight Team Gym)
Fight Singapore (Singapore turning to a fight city)
SG PRO (Check out For Tournaments in SG. INFO)

Thailand Matial Arts Website
(Sinbi Muaythai)
("TMT" Tiger Muaythai)

shaquille o'neal (NBA STAR)
(shaquille o'neal LIFE.)

(Official "TapouT" Website)

Adrian (B4L)
Mark (B4L)

Yu Ping
Bee Cheng

Lianfoo (Singsin)

Shu Yi (Younger Sister)
Kah Wai (Younger Brother)

Sunday, September 30, 2018: Forgotten calmness

I forgot about calmness and take it slowly... Fuck! Why did i rush things.. but ive already done it. And cant be undone 😖... i regret what i did, even if i know its a right thing to do..but i should have stay calm..

1:23 PM

Saturday, September 29, 2018: Isnt it too late.

Might be Too late?... but spread your wings. Im not holding on ur life. Be happier than now.

4:34 PM

Thursday, September 27, 2018: I fall today but i come back stronger. I wont fall easily again.

A reminder for myself.

"Put yourself into their shoes. Think postive. Why did they do this, why not just tell me the truth." I just got to think postive!

They have lots of things to handle, life is tough. But I still fall deeply yesterday.. its much more tough for them.. how are they feeling?

I cant promise i wouldnt fall. But i will do my very best not to fall. I learn as I grow.. the tougher ill be.

12:21 AM

Tuesday, September 25, 2018: Just sleep

I will turn in early tonight. Im tired.. i dont feel like doing anything. I will just fall asleep right now..

Good night...

9:30 PM

: But i know im right.

I overthink and literally break my own heart. But i know im right...

I need some time...

5:10 PM

Monday, September 24, 2018: Reminder

I post this again to remind myself not to fall without reasons. What ive say before.. i'll keep going until the day comes.

Remind myself what can make me feel better, as there still many human beings. Places for me to hike and explore. How to Enjoy my life.

4:52 AM

Saturday, September 22, 2018: Its okie. Just for the smile. And fit to fight for happiness

Even a strongest human beings needs someone to be taken care of...

5:42 AM

Friday, September 21, 2018: Drizzling cold night.

Writing my thoughts. Smoking a stick of cigarette.
Some people is trying hard to make their life better.

Whatever the pain Is. I hope anyone can go throught this. Cause after all this pain or suffer. They'll be happier. Means someone got to sacrifice

P.s  This will be the path i choose. I hope its not a moment of rush. But thats what i felt at this night.

Good night.

4:10 AM

Saturday, September 15, 2018: Yes. Its a new day 😊

Its a new day 😁

3:40 PM

Friday, September 14, 2018: Things just Come and go...

From now on....
i be easy... and let go whatever it is...

7:47 PM

Wednesday, September 12, 2018: Some people life is so harsh.

I will never forgot this day.

I feel Sad for you. But Im moving on.

5:55 AM