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Wednesday, February 26, 2014: Pushing Limites

Recovered from Aching. Just feel abit tight on the chest, arms and tights Area.

Waiting for lunch right now, Gonna indulge healthy and protein Foods. 
 Then Train Hard! 

had my lunch at 2pm while watching naruto. LOL.
 3pm started my workout.
While, today still nt so bad did 4k and 800m Power Dash. 8sec switch.

among all this. There is something missing.
thats Swimming

Just wait till I join a MMA gym. Then more stories to write.

1:42 PM

Monday, February 24, 2014: Im who i'm n i cant be changed.

Sometimes it doesnt mean when im not with you for several days.
There will be will be alot of topics to talk about.

All this days was like normal days, Work then Home.
its only meeting them once or twice a Month. You should know better.


1:04 AM

Saturday, February 22, 2014: Trouble Aching

Back From Work. Was attach at Citigems Bedok Mall Today. People There was nice :)
Hope my girlfriend faster Recover. She feels very unwell. must fast go see doc alr.

Anyway Gonna Do more Static now even my muscle is still aching from yesterday workout.

Probably going to Start my 1st Training at Fight Pro-Motion.
Cos There is Someone I know over there.

Ben Does Martial Arts

11:41 PM

Friday, February 21, 2014: Im back

I think im back to blogging. its has  been 4 years. Im in a adult Life now. Life right now is Boring and Unreasonable while thats reality. I  really want to have time for myself. anyway who wants to stay in a bee hives? live your life with your alarm clock and your normal rigid schedule of predetermined patterns of behavior and don't get away from the hive. You stay deep, stay deep in there and do what everybody else is doing. Go ahead, good luck. Not me, life's short. Today I wanna add what I love to do back into my Life.
But Slowly cause im going to build up my cardio first.

                             Took this pic long time ago when I went for trial Class at Evolve MMA. 
Dad was with me cause we had to sign to proof if anything happen during training. we are on our own.
I look into my past picture bring back memories. Those days which we were so Fit. We do Sport. We went swimming together, We do Statics/GYM Together. We had lunch together. But the only thing is I went Mixed martial Arts Training Alone. 

So today, on 21/2/14, was the first day which Im going to start where I have stop long ago.

Started with 2 Half boiled Eggs. Then went to do 6 reps of static and a 2k Run. 
Damn Disappointed with my Run 2K going breathless Already.

Wanted to Do more then 15 Counts per rep. but as i said it was my first day. I dont want to work with an aching Arm, Chest and Legs.
Prepare for Jogging


After jogging i went back where i and my childhood friends always do static workout and running every sat and sun Morning. I miss the days we trained together.

     After training it was my Eggs Protein Meal Again.
 Gonna Do Workout often now. 

6:28 PM